
未来博士3分間コンペティション2022 プレゼンテーション審査員会
HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2022 – Respective Judging Panels

 As of September 2, 2022


原山 優子 特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)日本科学振興協会 代表理事
東北大学 名誉教授
浦上 裕光 シュプリンガー・ネイチャー
剱持 由起夫 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)
「科学と社会」推進部 メディアグループ調査役
増井 玲子 トーストマスターズ・インターナショナル
国際スピーチコンテスト 2016年District Champion (District 76)、2021年District Champion (District 29)

English Division

HARAYAMA Yuko Co-chair of the Board of Directors, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Former Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office, Japan
URAKAMI Hiromitsu Springer Nature
Academic Engagement Director, Academic Affairs
KENMOCHI Yukio Japan Science and Technology Agency
Manager, Media Group, Dept. for promotion of Science in Society
MASUI Reiko Toastmasters International
International Speech Contest District Champion for 2016 (District 76) and 2021 (District 29)

What’s the HIRAKU 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) Competition?

 As of July 28, 2022

The HIRAKU 3MT Competition is an exciting opportunity for doctorate students to effectively explain their research within a limited time-span of three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. The Competition aims to develop the doctorates’ presentation and research communication skills, while leading to broader society (as the audience) further enhancing their positive understanding of doctorate resources and researches.

The Competition is held as a part of the initiatives of the consortium program, “Home for Innovative Researchers and Academic Knowledge Users (HIRAKU)” , with the cooperation of national, public and private universities in Western Japan (mainly in the Chugoku/Shikoku regions), as well as various companies and public institutions.
This Competition has been held annually since 2015, with this year being the 8th edition of the Competition.

Call for Applications – HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2022

Planned date

November 23, 2022 (Wed, Japanese National Holiday) / 13:00~17:00


Hiroshima University Satake Memorial Hall (Higashi-Hiroshima campus) (access)


Doctorate students (from any research field) enrolled at any university in Japan as of November 23, 2022.
※ Excluding students enrolled in master’s programs and/or professional degree programs.

Number of Divisions

Two (Japanese and English)

Competition Schedule

The Competition will be held across two judgement stages for each division.
Only those who complete the Competition Entry will be able to upload their presentation videos, therefore, please complete the Competition Entry first.

1. Competition Entry
Deadline for Competition Entry: August 31st (Wed.) 17:00 (JST)
2. Video Presentation Screening
Deadline for Video Upload: September 15th (Thu.) 17:00 (JST) 
3. Final Stage (presentation judging)
November 23th (Wed., Japanese National Holiday), 2022

※ As you will be expected to come in person to Hiroshima University for the Final Stage if you are selected as a Finalist, a part of your travel expenses is planned to be covered.


  • Winner: The Winner of each division will receive a certificate and a ¥300,000 scholarship
  • Runner-Up: The Runner-Up of each division will receive a certificate and a ¥150,000 scholarship
  • People’s Choice: The People’s Choice (to be decided by the Audience Polls) of each division will receive a certificate and a ¥80,000 scholarship

※ In addition to the above, several video presentations from the Video Presentation Screening stage will be selected for a Sponsor Award (these awards will be specifically titled after the Special Sponsors’ names).

Application Procedure

Please carefully read and follow the instructions of the Application Guideline linked below, and thereafter, choose a division (Japanese or English), and then fill in the appropriate Competition Entry Form within the link for each division below.
Application Guideline (PDF / 700 KB)

〈Japanese Division〉Competition Entry Form
The deadline has expired!

〈English Division〉Competition Entry Form
The deadline has expired!

※ Please note that you can complete a Competition Entry for both divisions, but, if your presentation is selected for the Final Stage, the Video Judging Panel will decide which division you will compete in (as you cannot compete in both divisions during the Final Stage).


The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition was developed by the University of Queensland (UQ).
Nowadays, the 3MT Competition is held at over 900 universities across more than 85 countries worldwide.
To find out more about the 3MT Competition, please refer to UQ’s official website.

Three Minute Thesis Competition - University of Queensland


HIRAKU 3MT Competition 2022 Operating Office
※ Please replace with @

Host Organization

“Home for Innovative Researchers and Academic Knowledge Users (HIRAKU)”
(Lead Partner Organization: Hiroshima University)
※ Please replace with @

Co-Host Organizations

>> “Hiroshima University Graduate School Research Fellowship”
>> “Program for Developing and Supporting the Next-Generation of Innovative Researchers at Hiroshima University”
>> “Vigorous Development of the Next-Generation by Establishment of the Hiroshima University Fellowship for Female Graduate Students in Science and Technology”

Special Sponsors



>> Acaric Co., Ltd.
>> Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
>> Manac Incorporated


>> Springer Nature information page
>> Japan Science and Technology Agency

This Competition is held with the comprehensive support of Springer Nature and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), especially in regard to promotional activities.
This support is a result of them being in agreement with the purpose of the Competition, which is to develop the doctorates’ presentation and research communication skills, while leading to broader society (as the audience) further enhancing their understanding of doctorate resources and researches.

This Competition is held as a collaborative event with “Science Agora 2022”, which is hosted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

Science Agora Website: