原山 優子 |
特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)日本科学振興協会 代表理事
東北大学 名誉教授 前総合科学技術・イノベーション会議常勤議員 |
浦上 裕光 |
アカデミック・エンゲージメント・ディレクター |
増井 玲子 |
国際スピーチコンテスト 2016年District Champion (District 76)、2021年District Champion (District 29) |
キューン ミッシェル | 名古屋大学 大学院法学研究科アカデミックライティング講師 |
三須 敏幸 | 広島大学グローバルキャリアデザインセンター 教授 |
関口 敏宏 |
テクノロジーデベロップメント ダイレクター |
Co-chair of the Board of Directors, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University Former Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office, Japan |
URAKAMI Hiromitsu |
Springer Nature
Academic Engagement Director, Academic Affairs |
MASUI Reiko |
Toastmasters International
International Speech Contest District Champion for 2016 (District 76) and 2021 (District 29) |
KUHN Michelle |
Nagoya University
Graduate School of Law Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science International Comparative Law and Political Science Lecturer |
MISU Toshiyuki |
Hiroshima University
Global Career Design Center, Professor |
SEKIGUCHI Toshihiro |
Micron Memory Japan, K.K.
Technology Development Director |
Co-chair of the Board of Directors, Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University Former Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office, Japan |
URAKAMI Hiromitsu |
Springer Nature
Academic Engagement Director, Academic Affairs |
MASUI Reiko |
Toastmasters International
International Speech Contest District Champion for 2016 (District 76) and 2021 (District 29) |
KUHN Michelle |
Nagoya University
Graduate School of Law Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science International Comparative Law and Political Science Lecturer |
MISU Toshiyuki |
Hiroshima University
Global Career Design Center, Professor |
SEKIGUCHI Toshihiro |
Micron Memory Japan, K.K.
Technology Development Director |